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SUNY Korea

Appointment of Dr. Pyungryun Brian Yu as Vice President of SUNY Korea​
Hits : 2371 Registration Date : 2024-04-29 Author : Administrator


Dr. Pyungryun Brian Yu has been appointed as Vice President for Administration and External Relations of the State University of New York, Korea (SUNY Korea), effective April 29, 2024. 

Before joining SUNY Korea, he held various government positions including but not limited to CEO of the Incheon Global Campus Foundation (IGCF), Vice Commissioner of the Incheon Free Economic Zone Authority (IFEZA), Secretary General of the Incheon Metropolitan City Council, Director General of Incheon Metropolitan City Government. 

Dr. Yu brings a strong track record of experience in administration and external relations and his extensive and in-depth background will greatly contribute to the growth of SUNY Korea, enhancing all aspects of university administration, operations, and external relations.

Throughout his career, Dr. Yu has been recognized for his outstanding meritorious service and exemplary leadership. During his tenure leading IGCF, Dr. Yu earned the highest grade (S) in the CEO performance evaluation conducted among government-funded institutions by the Incheon City Government (2023). He has also been awarded with the Order of Service Merit (2006), which is given to outstanding public officials, and a Presidential Commendation for Investment Promotion (2015). 

Academically, Dr. Yu has lectured in Urban Administration at Inha University, holding a Ph.D. in Urban Planning from the same institution, an MPA in Public Administration from the University of New Haven in the United States, and a B.C. in International Trades from Kyung Hee University in Korea. He passed the Public Administration Examination in 1994.


한국뉴욕주립대학교는 유병윤 행정대외협력부총장이 취임했다고 29일 밝혔다. 

유병윤 신임 부총장은 1994년 행정고시에 합격 후 공직에 입문했으며 인천시 투자유치담당관, 국제협력관, 정책기획관을 역임하고 인천시의회 사무처장과 인천경제자유구역청 차장, 인천글로벌캠퍼스 운영재단 대표이사 등을 지냈다.

또한 경희대 무역학과를 졸업, 미국 뉴헤이븐대에서 행정학 석사 인하대에서 도시계획학 박사 학위를 받았으며 인천시 산하 출자•출연기관 기관장 성과평가 S등급(2023), 투자유치공로 대통령표창(2015), 근조훈장(2006) 등을 수상한바 있다.

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