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[Exhibition] Global Glamour​
Hits : 949 Registration Date : 2023-04-20 Author : Administrator


On Wednesday, April 19, The SUNY Korea Museum of Modern Costume held the opening reception for “Global Glamour: A Tour of Colorful and Exotic Costumes.”


‘Global Glamour’ is a unique and exciting opportunity to explore the rich cultural heritage of diverse communities from across the world. The exhibition showcases the beauty and intricate detail of traditional costumes from around the globe. The costumes on display are a vibrant celebration of color, and many of them are embellished with intricate embroidery that reflects the unique patterns and motifs of each culture. This allows visitors to experience the rich tapestry of cultural expression through the art of costume.

The intention behind the exhibition is to promote cultural understanding and appreciation in the global era. In a world that is increasingly interconnected and interdependent, it is more important than ever to be aware of and understand the diverse cultural traditions and practices of communities from across the world. By showcasing the beauty and unique character of traditional costumes from different regions, the Costume Museum's exhibition hopes to inspire visitors to learn more about the world's rich cultural heritage, and to celebrate the diversity that makes our world so beautiful.


This exhibition will open from April 19, 2023 through September 27, 2023. Also, this exhibition will be suspended during June 5 – 27 for the 2023 Fashion Design AAS exhibition.
The opening hours of the museum is: Monday – Friday (10:00am – 5:00pm) / Weekends and Holidays: closed


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