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SUNY K in the News

DTS Online Forum on ICT for (Sustainable) Development​
Hits : 20685 Registration Date : 2021-11-08 Author : Administrator

This is a great opportunity to interact with six DTS professors who teach and research in the area of ICT4D.

- Event: DTS Online Forum on ICT for (Sustainable) Development
- Speaker: Dr. Sangchan Park, Dr. James Larson, Dr. Suzana Brown, Dr. Sira Mariphol, Dr. Jinsang Lee, and Dr. Mark Whitaker
- Date: November 8th (Mon), 2021
- Time: 5 PM - 6:20 PM
- Venue: Online Zoom @ https://stonybrook.zoom.us/j/96862266374?pwd=MTloSi8rS0FMTm1RcmlwOGxhSGVSUT09 -
- Meeting ID: 968 6226 6374
- Passcode: 120872


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