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Faculty of Sciences and Humanities


Fundamentals of Public Speaking
Text code : COM 120 / Credit : 3

Spring 2024 Course Schedule

  • LEC (Sctn 90): MW/ 9:00 AM - 10:20 AM
  • Room: B103

Course Description

Focuses on the core principles underlying effective oral presentations and the development of effective presentations in public and professional settings. There is an emphasis on analyzing audiences, composing meaningful, coherent messages, conducting responsible research, developing effective arguments, and improving delivery skills to strengthen confidence and credibility. Students will develop skills that lay the foundation for success in future speaking endeavors in both professional and personal settings. This course will also focus on how to make critical judgments as an audience to public discourse. Upon completion of this course students will be more confident and effective speakers and listeners.

  • SBC : SPK

Andrew Lasher img
Andrew Lasher
  • PositionTeaching Assistant Professor / Dean of Student Affairs
  • OfficeA614