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Faculty of Sciences and Humanities


Economics and Sustainability
Text code : SUS 206 / Credit : 3

Fall 2023 Course Information

Instructor: Professor Young June Kwon


  • LEC 90: F 12:30 PM - 2:20 PM
  • REC R90: F 2:20 PM - 3:15 PM

Room: B203


Course Description
Introduction to the basic economic concepts used in sustainability analysis. Students will learn the basic concepts and how to apply them in various context. Topics include the analysis of situations in which the behavior of individuals indirectly affects the well-being of others, strategic behavior and the environment, and the use of market-oriented policies to help in the stewardship of the environment. Formerly offered as SBC 206; not for credit in addition to SBC 206.

  • SBC : SBS+
  • Cmp : LEC

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