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Faculty of Sciences and Humanities

FSH Seminar Series

2023 FSH Fall Seminar I : Global Poverty and Korea's ODA

AuthorFaculty of Sciences and Humanities REG_DATE2023.09.15 Hits347

2023 FSH Fall Seminar I

Global Poverty and Korea's ODA


  • Date: Wednesday, September 20th, 2023
  • Time: 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
  • Venue: SUNY Korea Academic Building C103


Speaker: Dr. Chang, Hyun Sik

Prof. CHANG, Hyun sik, former Vice President of KOICA, has received his Ph. D. in Political science at Pennsylvania State University in 1991. He had joined KOICA as a founding member and has served many posts including Chief Representative office in China. He also served at OECD/DAC secretariat as a visiting scholar for two years. After his retirement in 2014, he has taught in Seoul National University, Incheon National University and   Ewha womans University as a visiting professor. In addition to numerous papers and books, he is the author of "A Comparison of Management Systems for Development Cooperation in OECD/DAC Members" (OECD, 1999).



Korea has achieved economic, social, and political development in a short period of time with the support from other countries. Now that Korea is a member of the OECD, she is making great efforts to eradicate the global poverty by expanding ODA volume and sharing Korea's development experience. This lecture will talk about ODA's policies, organizations, and strategies that share Korea's experience including Korea’s Saemaul Movement ODA.